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Rural Voltage Control

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L’equip fundador d’Energy in the Cloud ha pres part de diversos projectes europeus d’investigació, recerca i desenvolupament tecnològic dins del programa H2020. A partir d’aquestes experiències, neix Energy in the Cloud, on el seu disseny avançat ha estat peça clau en els següents projectes:

Rural Voltage Control

Rural Voltage Control

Rural Voltage Control

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The IDPR is an intelligent electronic converter that plays a key role in managing voltage and stability in a rural network with renewable sources, such as solar or wind energy. In these types of networks, where generation variability and the distance between generation and consumption points are critical factors, the IDPR plays an essential role in the efficient integration of these energies.

1. Main Function of the IDPR The IDPR acts as an interface between renewable sources (photovoltaic or wind) and the electrical grid, managing power and voltage to avoid fluctuations that could affect users' power supply. Its objective is to maintain a stable and appropriate voltage level in the network, despite changes in energy generation or demand.

2. Voltage Regulation Voltage regulation is one of the most critical aspects in rural networks with renewable sources, as these areas are often far from main distribution centers, and energy fluctuations can be more frequent. The IDPR constantly measures the voltage level in the network and, through electronic control systems, adjusts the output of the renewable source to keep the voltage within operating limits.

3. Reactive Power Injection and Absorption To stabilize the voltage, the IDPR can inject or absorb reactive power in the grid. Reactive power helps control the voltage without changing the net energy supplied to consumers. When the voltage is low, the IDPR injects reactive power, and when the voltage is high, it can absorb it, thereby balancing the fluctuations.

4. Energy Storage Some IDPRs are also integrated with storage systems, such as batteries. This allows them to store energy during periods of high generation (for example, when there is abundant sunlight) and release that energy when generation decreases. This storage helps compensate for the intermittency of renewable sources and provides energy support that prevents voltage drops.

5. Interaction with Inverters and Energy Controllers In rural networks, where there may be multiple points of distributed generation, the IDPR coordinates with inverters and controllers of the various renewable sources. This ensures that the contribution of each source is efficiently managed to avoid overloading the network or causing instability.

6. Dynamic Control of Active and Reactive Power To quickly respond to changes in generation and demand, the IDPR dynamically adjusts both active power (directly consumed) and reactive power. This dynamic control enables the network to respond in real-time to changes in renewable generation and the needs of rural network users.

7. Benefits of the IDPR in Rural Networks

  • Voltage stability: Helps maintain a constant voltage, improving service quality.
  • Efficient integration of renewables: Maximizes the use of renewable sources without compromising network stability.
  • Reduction of losses: Optimizes energy distribution, reducing power losses.
  • Support during interruptions: In case of power outages, the IDPR with storage can provide temporary supply.

Overall, the IDPR contributes to a more effective and stable use of renewable sources in rural networks, facilitating a transition to a more sustainable and resilient power grid.


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